Air Ambulance Service - First Assistance In Emergencies
In some situations, patients are unable to use the services of a regular ambulance. Air ambulance service ensures the prompt transportation of patients to a hospital, regardless of the location.
Rhazes Global organizes fast and safe transportation of patients in the most serious conditions.
Even if a disaster happened within the city, people cannot always count on the quick arrival of an ambulance. Due to the heavy workload, it sometimes takes hours to wait for doctors. If a person has seriously suffered, then every minute of delay can cost him his life. The air ambulance service will help preserve the greatest value - health.
The main advantages of transporting patients by air ambulance include:
The ability to transport people in critical condition. Thanks to reliable equipment and attentive attitude of the staff, the flight passes without worsening the patient's condition.
The possibility of departure as soon as possible. In a few hours from the moment of the visit, the patient will be in the hospital. You do not have to put up with the workload of crews and traffic jams.
There is no need to adjust to the flight schedule of airlines. Our company has enough air transport so that you do not waste precious time waiting.
Transportation is carried out anywhere in the world. We will help you quickly organize treatment in foreign clinics that offer the most effective methods.
An individual approach to solving each problem. After receiving your application, we draw up an action plan taking into account the severity of the patient's condition, technical conditions for evacuation, time constraints and other important aspects.
The result of the well-coordinated work of medical personnel is the preservation of the life and health of a person who is in a critical situation!
Medical aviation is the most important aspect in medicine in terms of saving time and emergency evacuation of a patient to the hospitals of a higher level of specialized medical care. This saves a person's life. It is important that resuscitation measures can be carried out in the helicopter itself, it is equipped with all the necessary equipment for resuscitation.
The development of this direction will help save the lives of people who have received concomitant injuries in road traffic accidents, patients with severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, children who need urgent qualified and high-tech medical care in the conditions of medical institutions in the world.
You Can Now Apply to Order an Air Ambulance Worldwide
- December 30 2021
- 2869