Benefits of Medical Tourism
Medical tourism is a term denoting the practice of providing medical services outside the country of residence, the provision of highly qualified medical care.
As an effective way to treat all kinds of diseases and diagnose different diseases, patients seek to resort to the services of foreign clinics and doctors, since treatment abroad has long established itself as high-quality, having innovative technologies and the latest methods.
Patients seek to resort to the services of foreign clinics and doctors who have long established themselves as high-quality, having innovative technologies and the latest methods.
Medical tourism is one of the most sought after areas of global tourism. It involves patients traveling abroad for routine diagnosis and treatment. The main reasons for this travel are the need to get help that is not available in the home country or the intent to save on procedures.
The infrastructure of this industry is developing and expanding day by day. Accreditation bodies (for example, the Joint International Commission - JCI), tour operators, curators and agents of medical tourism operate in the market.
Why do people go to hospitals abroad?
Opportunity to circumvent legal restrictions in the home country; Many patients have to go abroad, because they cannot receive certain services in their own country due to regulatory prohibitions and restrictions. This is especially true for organ transplants.
Quick access to services; In developed countries that are developing medicine and the field of medical tourism, the equipment of the centers allows carrying out procedures in a short time. For example, in Israel, complex oncological diagnostics can be completed in 1-3 days.
Confidential approach and medical confidentiality; In foreign clinics, it is easier for the patient to maintain anonymity and privacy. For example, when it comes to plastic surgery or IVF.
Quite often, people do not have enough time to thoroughly heal or undergo a full course of restoration procedures. Once in another country, superiors, colleagues, relatives and everyday worries are not distracting and you can finally fully take care of your health.
Often people want to “kill two birds with one stone” and combine treatment with conventional tourism. If we are not talking about complex operations, then, having gone to improve health, you can relax. That means receiving services can be combined with relaxation, acquaintance with a new culture.
Countries such as Turkey, Israel, Germany, India, etc. are major centers of tourism - including medical tourism.
In plain words, treatment abroad really gives its results, many patients who have not received proper treatment in their hometown and country are sent for treatment or rehabilitation abroad.
- March 4 2020
- 1923