Doctors & Hospitals
Our full-fledged hospital in Miami is preferred by everyone, especially for birth. Mount Sinai Medical Center was established on January 15, 1852 in Manhattan, New York. Today, the hospital is one of the oldest and largest educational hospitals in the USA.

Our full-fledged hospital in Miami is preferred by everyone, especially for birth. Mount Sinai Medical Center was established on January 15, 1852 in Manhattan, New York. Today, the hospital is one of the oldest and largest educational hospitals in the USA. According to the 2017 data of the U.S. News and World Report, Mount Sinai Hospital is considered one of the best hospitals in the USA in 15 branches.
Many firsts have taken place in the hospital's 150-year history. Although we can't write them all here, some of them are:
• The first geriatrics section and the book of geriatrics (1914)
• First liver transplantation (1988)
• First semi-cellular Pathology
• Finding the direct effect of smoking and asbestos on cancer
• Identification of Marfan Syndrome, a fatal skin anomaly
• Blood transfusion to the unborn fetus for the first time
World-famous MAURICIO Y.BITRAN and his team. Both Turkey and other world citizens especially go to Miami to give birth with our doctors. We work together with MAURICIO Y.BITRAN who has 40 years of experience in the Obstetrics Department of the full-fledged 150-year Mount Sinani Hospital in Florida, Miami and his team. He has been presented a five-star award by Healthgrades in the best research hospital in the United States.
- University of Chile / Undergraduate School / Faculty of Medicine
- Undergraduate School | Graduated 1977
- University of Chile Medical School | Graduated 1977
- Tulane U Tulane U Hosps Clins Internship Hospital | Completed 1985
- Tulane University of Louisiana Internship Hospital | Completed 1985
- Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Chile Residency Hospital | Completed 1982
- Tulane University of Louisiana
- Residency Hospital | Completed Awards & Honors
- Healthgrades Honor Roll
We work together with DR. FRANZ E. RIVERA who has 18 years of experience in the Obstetrics Department of the full-fledged 150-year Mount Sinani Hospital in Florida, Miami. He has been presented a five-star award by Healthgrades in the best research hospital in the United States.
- Howard University
- Medical School | Graduated 1999
- George Washington School of Medical Education
- Residency Hospital | Completed Awards & Honors
- Healthgrades Honor Roll