Eva Veronica Fernandez Sanchez MD

Eva Veronica Fernandez Sanchez MD

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

About Doctor


- licensed in medicine and surgery from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1995.

- visiting student for two months at the Yale Department of Dermatology, 1993.

- completion of the doctorate program in surgery by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with recognition of research sufficiency. 2001.

- postgraduate training: specialist in plastic and repair surgery, 2002.


Professıonal career

- teacher of the subject of plastic surgery and repair of the university school of nursing diplomates "Salus Infirmorum". courses 2001-2002, 2002-2003.

- plastic surgeon member of the plastic, repair and aesthetic surgery unit of Hospıtal Madrid Montepríncipe, from May 2002 to December 2006.

- member of the Spanısh Society of Plastic, Repair and Aesthetic Surgery.

- member of the teaching unit of aesthetic surgery at Hospıtal Madrid Montepríncipe, until December 2006.

- member of the Breast unit at Hospıtal Madrid Monteprincipe, until December 2006.

- plastic surgeon member of the plastıc surgery unit, since January 2007.


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