Münci Kalayoğlu M.D.

Münci Kalayoğlu M.D.

Organ Transplantation

About Doctor

Born in Ankara in 1940, Dr. Kalayoğlu graduated faculty of medicine of the Ankara University in 1963 and was in the field of General Surgery at Hacettepe University. His international experiences include working at Mount Siani Medical School as an General Surgon in 1967-1968, and as an Pediatric Surgon at Pittsburg Children's Hospital in 1968-1971. One year later, Dr. Kalayoğlu received his Associate Professor degree in Faculty of Medicine of Haccapete University and his Professor degree after after 5 years. In 1981-1983, he was working with a liver tranplantation pioneer- Professor Thomas Starzl in the Transplantation Department at Pittsburg University. At the same year, Dr. , Kalayoğlu opened Liver Transplantation Program at Wisconsin University and he has been president of this program since 1988. In 1986, at the same University, he received his Associate Professor degree, after two years Professor degree and was working as an organ transplantation Professor. In 2006, Dr. Kalayoğlu was the head of Organ Transplantation, General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery Departments at Memorial Şişli Hospital. He has been workng as a director of Organ Transplantation Center at Koç University Hospital since March 2018.

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