Selahattin Özmen, M.D.

Selahattin Özmen, M.D.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

About Doctor

Born in Kızıltepe in 1971, Prof. Dr. Selahattin ÖZMEN graduated as third ranking medical doctor from Medical School of Hacettepe University in 1995. He completed his Plastic Surgery residency at Gazi University School of Medicine in 2002. Between years 2002-2003, Throught the grant of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) he worked at Plastic Surgery department of The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, in Ohio, USA. He was mainly working on advanced microsurgery, face and extremity transplantations, stem cells, , ischemia-reperfusion injury and quantitative sensory neural testing of the diabetic patients. As the result of the studies he attended he got 6 international awards. Through the EURAPS Young Scholarship Award he won, he worked at Plastic Surgery Department of Sahlgrenska Akademin, Gothenburg, Sweden, in craniofacial surgery. In 2006, he became the winner of first prize of USA PSEF in the research area and got Certified Wound Expert ICW certificate in 2007, in Germany. Dr. Özmen is the holder of 8 international and 11 national awards. He received his titles of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor titles at Gazi University in 2004, 2007 and 2013, accordingly. He is the member of International Faculty of AO CMF, sice 2011. The third facial transplatation in Turkey, which was first 3D and first woman to woman face transplantation as well, was performed under his leadership at Gazi University. Prof. Dr. Özmen is a memeb of Composite Tissue Transplantation Council located in Health Ministry. In 2013 he got his title of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in 2013. Since 2013, he is working at American Hospital Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department.

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