Liv Hospital Ankara
About Hospital
Liv Hospital Ankara; It makes its guests feel privileged with its patient-oriented approach, experienced physician staff, personalized treatment programs and quality service understanding. Liv Hospital Ankara, which aims at multidisciplinary work, adopts the culture where scientific studies are carried out hand in hand with practice.
Liv Hospital Ankara aims at a high-level personalized approach in healthcare with its world-class medical infrastructure and technology, 150 beds in a closed area of 27 thousand square meters and 8 operating rooms. Liv Hospital Ankara aims to offer a quality life with its experienced physicians who have a say in their field.
Live Hospital makes a difference in Ankara with many clinical and treatment methods, especially cancer surgeries, women's, men's and children's health, and heart health. Thanks to its technological infrastructure, it provides a reliable and fast health service to hospital patients.
Liv Hospital Ankara provides a high standard of health service to its patients, especially with serious investments in cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery and cancer departments.
Peripheral Artery Disease, which occurs as a result of blockage in the veins leading to the legs or arms, is a very common picture. This disease, which is more common with increasing age, causes paralysis if not treated. Liv Hospital Vascular Surgery Clinic offers the opportunity to diagnose the disease with a method that does not require tomography and is completed in a short time.
Today, varicose veins, which is one of the biggest problems of women, is a discomfort that needs to be treated because of its aesthetic appearance and the pain and swelling it creates. There are many methods used in the medical world for the treatment of varicose veins. Open surgery, laser therapy, radiofrequency ablation, foam therapy are the main treatments used for this disease. Liv Hospital Vascular Surgery Clinic serves its patients by using all these methods.
Diabetic Foot
The most important causes of diabetic infections are arterial diseases and nerve damage. Liv Hospital Vascular Surgery Clinic offers alternative treatment methods to its patients in cooperation with both surgical operations and Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Research and Application Clinic for foot wounds due to diabetes, which can be seen in many diabetic patients.
Aneurysms are defined as the ballooning of the aorta or other arteries. The worst part of the disease is that an aneurysm patient does not feel any discomfort. Therefore, the person cannot realize that he / she has aneurysm. However, if the disease is not treated, there is a process that results in internal bleeding and even death. In order to keep this insidious disease under control, men over the age of 60 and smoking must have an ultrasound.
Liv Hospital General Surgery Clinic does not only treat its patients, it aims to inform them and give them a new direction to their lives.
Its physician staff consisting of faculty members in the General Surgery Clinic;
Colorectal Surgery Center,
Hernia Surgery Center,
Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Center,
Breast Diseases Center provides services.
While advancing technology facilitates every aspect of life, it also provides solutions for diseases that seem impossible to treat in the field of health. Liv Hospital General Surgery Clinic aims at the best achievable results and high patient comfort with advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgeries. Robotic surgery, which is considered to be the highest point of surgery, is successfully applied in many surgeries. Liv Hospital, which is rapidly progressing towards becoming a robotic surgery training center with its extensive experience, keeps the comfort as well as patient's health at the highest level with the supportive intensive care provided after the surgery and its competent physician staff from different disciplines. In open surgery, you have to make an incision covering the abdomen to reach the inside of the abdomen, while in the laparoscopic-robotic (closed) technique, the operations can be completed with a few incisions of 0.5-1 cm in size. Thanks to its features such as 3-dimensional images, it allows even complex interventions to be performed with closed surgery method.
In Liv Hospital Chest Diseases Department, various chest diseases, lung cancer diagnosis and treatment as well as allergy tests are performed and consultancy is given on ways to quit smoking. The department also offers alternative treatments for sleep problems caused by chest diseases, breathing difficulties during sleep and snoring problems.
Respiratory Function Laboratory
Spirometric tests, reversibility test, flow volume curve, diffusion capacity, exercise test and maximum oxygen consumption, NO measurement, arterial blood gas measurement can be performed in the respiratory function laboratory.
Bronchoscopy Laboratory
In the bronchoscopy laboratory with rigid bronchoscopy, fiberoptic bronchoscopy (with the most advanced videobronchoscopy) and EBUS, it is possible to diagnose many lung diseases, especially lung cancer, to treat with argon plasma coagulation (APC), electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, and to place endobronchial stents.
In the sleep laboratory of the department, many sleep diseases, especially snoring, are diagnosed and treated. When necessary, the decision of surgical treatment, which is taken with a multidisciplinary approach, is made by ENT physicians.
Cigaret is the most important risk factor in the development of many diseases such as lung cancer and COPD, coronary heart diseases, hypertension, vascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and various other types of cancer. In the Smoking Cessation Support Unit, you feel that you are not alone when you quit smoking. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation can be applied to patients hospitalized in intensive care or service with respiratory support devices called CPAP and BIPAP.
Some of the Diseases Diagnosed and Treated in the Department:
Allergic lung diseases
Obstructive lung diseases (rectal lung diseases)
Lung cancer
Pleural effusion
Cr. Bronchitis
Sleep apnea
Pulmonary Embolism
Interstitial lung diseases
Pulmonary vascular diseases
Lung cancer
One of the areas that the Chest Diseases Department is most interested in is lung cancer. Interventional bronchoscopy method is applied in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in Liv Hospital. There is not a single physician in the treatment method of a patient diagnosed with lung cancer in a hospital; The Tumor Council, which consists of different medical units, decides. According to the decision of this council, surgical intervention or chemotherapy and radiotherapy are applied to patient.
Allergy Tests
With the allergy tests performed in Liv Hospital Chest Diseases Department, the substances that the patients are allergic to are determined and information is given about the ways of protection. Physicians who see whether they affect lung capacity in respiratory tests performed for COPD patients, advise their patients on smoking cessation methods when necessary.
Sleep Laboratory
The best way to start a new day full of energy is through a healthy sleep. For a better life, a more productive work life and happier, a healthy sleep is essential for every person.
Liv Hospital, which has established a special laboratory for sleep, which has such an important place in our lives, performs the diagnosis and treatment of people with sleep problems. Before the treatment in the Sleep Laboratory, the physicians who research the causes of patient's sleep problem, after the tests, start pressurized oxygen therapy if the problem is caused by chest diseases. Sleep problems may not only be caused by chest diseases. This problem can sometimes be of interest to Neurology, Ear-Nose-Throat and Psychiatry. In such cases, the Sleep Laboratory directs patients to the relevant departments with a multidisciplinary approach and ensures the completion of the treatment.
- TV in the room
- Medical records transfer
- Interpreter services
- Airport pickup
- Flight booking
- Free Wifi
- Private rooms for patients available
- Parking available
- Nursery / Nanny services
- Visa / Travel office
- Laundry
- Religious facilities
- Rehabilitation
- Personal assistance / Concierge
- Hotel booking
- Local tourism options
- Phone in the room
- Special dietary requests accepted
- Family accommodation
- Spa and wellness
- Beauty salon
- Foreign currency exchange office
- Dry cleaning
- Restaurante
- Pharmacy
Payment Methods
Cash - Credit cards - Bank account
Patient's Age
Documents Language
The hospital is ready to study medical records in the following languages:
English - French - Turkish - Russian - Romanian - Arabic - Georgian
Airport to Hospital Free
Hospital to Airport Free
English - Russian - Persian - Georgian - Romanian - French - Arabic Free
Hotel (apartments) near the hospital, billed daily $50 - $100
В клинике Liv Hospital Ankara очень высокий уровень медицины. Обследован после радиохирургии головного мозга АВМ.Благодаря переводчику, организовали трансфер, гостиницу и поддержку на протяжении всего исследования. Все было организовано на высоком уровне. От Rhazes Global я благодарю координатора Эльчина. С уважением, Асад из Алма-Аты .
В клинике Liv Hospital Ankara очень высокий уровень медицины. Обследован после радиохирургии головного мозга АВМ.Благодаря переводчику, организовали трансфер, гостиницу и поддержку на протяжении всего исследования. Все было организовано на высоком уровне. От Rhazes Global я благодарю координатора Эльчина. С уважением, Асад из Алма-Аты .