About Doctor
Graduated from Medical School of Ankara University, Dr. Sahin comleted his residency studies in ophthalmology at Medical School of Hacettepe University and postdoctoral fellowship, focused on External and Corneal diseases and Surgery, at Schepens Eye Research Institute, at Medical School of Harvard University. His main clinical and research interests are diseases of ocular surface and cornea, regulation of the ocular surface and adnexa with sex steroids, and corneal transplantation. He is the holder of numerous international awards, such as ICO Helmerich Fellowship Award, WOC ICO Fellowship Grant Award, ARVO Collaborative Research Fellowship Award, MEACO/ADTA Fellowship grant award, ARVO Fellowship Grant Award, Best Reviewer Award from Royal College of Ophthalmologists, ‘Outstanding Young Scientist Award’ from The Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), ‘Developing Country Eye Researcher Fellowship Award’ from Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology (ARVO), Most Successful Medical Doctor of Eskişehir, award from Turkish Medical Association. Countless articles, book chapters and abstracts have been published by Dr. Sahin. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) funded his research on ocular surface and adnexa sex steroid regulation. He is the reviewer of several national and international journals including American and British journals of ophthalmology, Eye and Visual Science. He is greatly interested in postgraduate education and professional networking, for promoting transitional research in Turkey.
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