About Doctor
2003 - 2007 Residency in Ophthalmology and doctoral courses and research proficiency at the Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Clinic
2003 - 2004 Teaching collaborator, tutor and professor (MIR preparation course) at Academia CTO Madrid
2007 Consultation and operating room (cataract surgery and anterior pole) at Hospital de Madrid
2007 Consultation, emergencies and operating room (emergency surgery) in Moncloa Ophthalmology
2007 Consultation in Ocular Surgery De Madrid, SL
2007 Consultation and operating room at Hospital La Moraleja
2007 Retina Section: Consultation and Operating Room (cataract surgery) at the Hospital Gral Universitario de Guadalajara
2008 Consultation and Operating Room (cataract and anterior pole surgery) at the Ocular Surgery Clinic (Dr. Álvarez Rementería)
2008 Oculoplasty Section Specialist at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation (Madrid)
Degree in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Madrid, 1996–2002
Medical Specialist in Ophthalmology via MIR, University Hospital Puerta de Hierro Clinic, 2003-2007